We wish there was a magic way to get rid of dust completely, but the reality is dust is going to happen in every home. However, there are some things you can do that can help reduce the amount of dust you are seeing in your home and thus make this regular chore a little easier to tackle. Here are some tips for preventing dust buildup in your home.
Change Air Filters
HVAC air filters help trap dust and allergens that are floating around your home. If a filter gets dirty and clogged, the dust and allergens remain airborne in your home (note to mention the potential problems it can cause with the HVAC system). To help keep dust down, change your filters regularly. “Regularly” will vary from home to home depending on individual usage, whether you have pets or not, the season and how often you use the system, and more. We recommend checking your filters each month and changing them as needed.
Use Door Mats
Don’t invite more dirt, which breaks down and eventually turns into dust, into your home. Put down door mats inside and outside of entry doors to stop any dirt, pollen, and other contaminates from entering your home. And make sure people are using them – have all guests wipe their shoes thoroughly before going into the living spaces of your home. If you want added protection, ask people to remove shoes before entering. Also, make sure you are regularly shaking the rugs out to remove any trapped dirt and debris.
Open Windows Sparingly
As noted above, you don’t want to invite more dirt into your home, and opening windows does just that. Screens on windows are good at blocking some dirt, dust, pollen, and contaminates in, but they won’t block everything. That means that every time you open a window, you are getting extra dirt, dust, and more inside your home.
Wash Linens Regularly
Dirty linens are a breeding ground for dust mites, so it’s a good idea to wash sheets, pillowcases, and bath towels weekly to kill the dust mites and remove allergens. Pillows, mattress pads, and comforters should be washed monthly as well.
Bathe Your Pets
We all love our pets, but let’s be real, they can be a major source of dirt and dust in a home. From shedding and dander to bringing dirt in from outdoors, your pets are walking dirt and dust monsters. But there are easy ways to help prevent that dirt and dust from building up in your home. Brush and bathe them regularly (outdoors is best) to reduce the amount of dust accumulated in your home.
Use an Air Purifier
An air purifier will not completely eliminate dust in your home, but it will definitely help reduce the amount you are seeing. Air purifiers suck dust that is floating in they air into a filter, where it is trapped while cleaner air is pushed out into your home. Use a HEPA filter and make sure you are changing it out regularly/as recommended by the manufacturer.
Use a Vacuum with a HEPA Filter
Did you know that a vacuum with a HEPA filter removes 99.7 percent of all dust particles, as well as pollen and bacteria? That means less dust in your home and less overall work to keep your home clean. To keep the vacuum and filter at peak performance, make sure you are following manufacturer recommendations on cleaning and/or replacing the filter.
Wet Your Dusting Cloth
While dry dusting may feel like it’s saving some time, it’s really not. In fact, you may be creating more work for yourself because dry dusting often just pushes dust from one surface to another. Dusting with a damp cloth helps trap and remove dust particles, giving you a cleaner surface and helping extend the time between cleanings. If you are concerned about product buildup from regular dusting, opt for damping your cloth with water (ring cloth well for a damp cloth vs. a wet one) for the weeks you don’t want to use product.
Declutter Your Space
Clutter isn’t just unsightly – it’s also a dust magnet. As things pile up, it’s harder and harder to clean, meaning dust can accumulate and become unmanageable. And don’t just think about those piles of things you have been meaning to get to; collectibles and collections are also culprits. Consider paring back on these items that make it hard to dust and therefore often get overlooked.
Frequently Clean Items that Get Dustier Quicker
There are some items that tend to attract dust quicker and therefore need more frequent cleaning:
- Fabric: Curtains, upholstery, throw pillows and blankets, and other such items act as traps for skin cells, dander, and other particles. Make sure you are regularly cleaning these items and consider replacing curtains with blinds to reduce dust.
- Flooring: Carpets are especially susceptible to collecting dust, but other floors can also act as attractants if not cleaned regularly.
- Flat surfaces: Tables, bookcases, entertainment centers, and any other furniture with a flat surface is a natural place for dust to settle. Also, don’t forget ceiling fans blades, which also are natural attractants for dust and dirt.
- Electronics: Most, if not all, electronics have fans inside of them that attract dust.
- Faux plants: Fake plants need regular cleaning to keep dust away. Use a wet rag to wipe them down.
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